In-Bank Training and Coaching
Increase the quality of referrals.
Many of the bank's very best trust prospects already do business with the bank, but have no idea that the bank offers trust services or how they could be helped by them.
Because no-one tells them.
The resource that could? The people who are already in contact with them. Those non-trust bank employees such as branch and loan managers and bank directors should and could be trust brand ambassadors.
Why aren't they?
Because referrals are only made to those you know, and only when you understand the benefit well enough to bring it up without embarrassment, and truly believe that you're doing a service to the person whom you are referring.
Overcome these three barriers by training them on the basics of the trust services you provide.
Merrill Anderson's referral training seminars have compelling pre-written speech notes so you can quickly adjust them into your tone for implementation. They allow an opportunity for someone from the trust team to meet the potential referrers overcoming the first barrier.
Merrill Anderson's referral training seminars breakout the specific trust and wealth management products you want to emphasize into benefits statements, including lessons from celebrity estates to increase engagement and audience participation. This allows story-style talking points for a conversational rather than a selling tone, increasing the comfort level enough to overcome the second barrier.
Merrill Anderson's referral training seminars have a vignette structure creates narrative parallels and clues so that the referrer and qualify the person prior to making the referral. This allows them to position the prospect in terms of how they will be helped, and overcomes the third barrier.
Merrill Anderson publishes and produces content specifically for trust teams that is clear, informative, and motivating.
We can place our content in your brand, handle print production or email template creation, and mailing or email distribution. Our services and licensing agreements are tailored to each client's capabilities, so you only pay for the services that you want and will perfectly supplement your existing efforts.

Increase the quantity of referrals.
Referral Coaching.
Why not? In most cases, because they are not being asked to.
The first area to address is simply being human and task-oriented. This means that it's not top of mind to bring up trust services, but to address the reason the customer has come into the bank and get to the next customer.
The best way to address that issue is indirectly with more communication by the trust department to the rest of the bank. This positions the trust department as front of mind and as something that is also part of helping each customer for the non-trust employees. Beyond compelling content, directly address this concern by providing monthly ice-breakers and conversation starters based on a particular qualification of a suspect into a prospect.
The second area to address is the presence of trust in non-trust locations. Are collaterals available for the referrer to use when making a referral? Are any of the other trust campaigns marketing elements displayed (digitally or in print) in non-trust branches?
Remember, it's not just that the referrer needs to feel comfortable, but that the suspect feels it's appropriate in the time and setting.
Merrill Anderson's referral coaching programs are carefully constructed as turn-key drip marketing that includes engaging content, perpetual continuing training, reasons that making a referral is good for the customer, prospect profiles for a particular product, and conversation starters.
Coaching can be used in conjunction with the training, or on its own based on the banks existing marketing efforts.
We can place our content in your brand, handle print production or email template creation, and mailing or email distribution. Our services and licensing agreements are tailored to each client's capabilities, so you only pay for the services that you want and will perfectly supplement your existing efforts.

Everyone is the bank understands how trust services could help the people they come in contact with, but they still don't send them to trust.